Wheelchair Ramps — Smooth Access for Mobility Aids over Steps and Raised Doorways
A wheelchair ramp is an inclined surface that provides smooth access over steps or raised doorways. They must be steady, slip-resistant and can be installed in homes and public buildings. Wheelchair ramps help wheelchair users and power scooter users travel safely and easily. These products make their lives much more comfortable and add value.
Where Do You Need a Wheelchair Ramp?
Usually ramps are purchased for:
>> Steps to front and back doorways
>> Steps from your garage into your home
>> Exterior doors with raised thresholds
>> Threshold between floor and shower
>> Vehicle threshold
Length and Width of Ramps
Many jurisdictions have set minimum widths and maximum steeps that could be used in a ramp. A minimum slope would be easier for wheelchair users to move around. In the US, ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requires an incline of no more than 1:12 for wheelchairs and scooters for public and business use. Ramps can be as long as desired, but no single run of ramp can go beyond 30 feet. The length of the stairs and vertical height the ramp needs would determine the type of ramp required. To determine the width, look for the wideness of wheelbase of your chair, to ensure that your wheelchair can safely cross through the ramp.
Ramp Models Available in the Market
Ramps are of three types.
>> Custom
>> Modular
>> Portable
Custom Ramps are permanent ramps that are bolted in place and are designed according to individual needs or requirements. This ramp comes in three series Aluminum, Steel and Wood series. Every series of ramps has basic characteristics such as anti-slip, standard safety features and firmness. Differences exist mainly in their design and outward appearance.
Modular Ramps come as ramp kits that are fully accessorized, so that you can build a ramp creatively with all the parts and pieces provided. In NY, modular aluminum ramps are commonly used.
Portable ramps are lightweight, easy to use and store. We can easily move across thresholds, raised doorsteps or curbs with these portable ramps. Usually these ramps are aluminum based. These are commonly used in homes and commercial buildings but can also be used with vehicles like SUVs or vans to enable easy in and out access. EZ-Access and Prairie View Industries are reliable manufacturers that offer portable ramps. NY dealers provide a variety of portable wheelchair ramps to their customers. They are:
>> Suitcase Ramps
>> Aluminum & Rubber Threshold Ramps
>> Multifold Ramps
>> Solid Wheelchair Ramps
>> Ramps for vans, SUVs and trucks
When planning to purchase a wheelchair ramp in NJ, select a prominent dealer. Go for a dealer who can provide you with skilled, insured and trained technicians to install your ramp quickly and efficiently.