How Beneficial are Portable Wheelchair Ramps?
Portable ramps in New Jersey are a durable, dependable solution to a variety of mobility and accessibility needs. Portable wheelchair ramps help wheelchair and scooter users to negotiate a short length of steps. They can be placed on exterior steps leading to the front or back entry doors or on the steps from your garage into your home or at the side door or rear door of a vehicle or at the threshold of a room. A wheelchair or scooter user can easily and comfortably roll into and out of a wheelchair ramp and access a building, vehicle, doorway,shower, or raised landing.
Portable wheelchair ramps are lightweight and easy to carry around. Multifold ramps can be separated into two lightweight sections, each with its own flexible and non-breakable carrying handle, and can be folded like a suitcase. Made of rubber and aluminum, they are ultra-strong, stable, durable and safe. They are affordable, easy to install, use and store. They have anti-slip surface that provides traction in all weather conditions. They can accommodate wheelchairs and scooters with various wheel configurations.
Popular Models of Portable Wheelchair Ramps
• Suitcase Ramps — These units are available in 2’ to 8’ lengths and can be used in a variety of applications such as stairs, cars, trucks, and other low to moderate rises. They have a single fold design which makes them easy to carry, wherever you may go. New Jersey dealers in accessibility devices offer the Signature Series and Advantage Series Ramps from EZ-Access.
• Aluminum and Rubber Threshold Ramps — The threshold solution allows for a smooth ground-to-sill transition over doorway thresholds throughout your home. They include ramps, mats and plates made of aluminum and rubber materials. They comfortably accommodate most mobility devices and are designed to eliminate trip hazards. Top models of these threshold ramps include: aluminum threshold ramps THR series, EZ-Access threshold ramps, rubber threshold ramps, elev8 adjustable, rubber threshold stonecap transition, EZ-Access 1.5-In rubber thresh beveled, EZ-Access 2 1/4-In rubber threshold riser boxed, EZ-Access 2.5-In rubber thresh beveled, EZ-Access 2 1/2-In rubber threshold/cargo wedge boxed, and EZ-Access threshold combo pack.
• Multifold Ramps -These ramps can be placed at the rear door of a utility trailer, SUVor van, allowing wheelchairs and scooters to easily roll in and out of the vehicle. They include a safety DVD, steel security pins and a safety guide, which indicates if the ramp is on a safe slope. NJ dealers offer models from reputable manufacturers such as Prairie View Industries and EZ-Access.
• Solid Wheelchair Ramps — These wheelchair ramps are an ideal solution for temporary or semi-permanent home access. They can withstand all weather conditions and easily moved or relocated as needs change. The solid one-piece aluminum design requires no assembly or movable parts. All you have to do is set them in the desired place and they are ready for use.Popular products include the EZ-Access pathway ramp classic series and W/HR classic series.
• Wheelchair Ramps for Vans, SUV’s and Trucks — These wheelchair ramps allow a wheelchair or scooter to be load into a transport vehicle through its side door or rear door. They can comfortably accommodate a load of 400 lbs.
According to the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), any public transportation facility must be readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. As a result,about 98% of public transit buses in the United States are equipped with wheelchair accessible ramps.
It is always advisable to purchase a portable wheelchair ramp with top lip extension as it can clear the bumpers of SUVs or vans. The reach of the ramp can be increased by extending the top lip transition plate from 3″ to 9″.
Locate a Dealer
Licensed home accessibility equipment providers in New Jersey offer all of these types of high quality portable wheelchair ramps. Partnering with a reliable dealer will ensure guidance to choose the right product for your needs as well as cost-effective professional installation.