Commercial Wheelchair Lifts for Barrier Free Access in Public Buildings
Though a routine activity, climbing stairs can be really challenging for senior citizens and people with mobility issues. As per an American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) study in New Jersey, about 85% of senior citizens prefer not to go out and wish to stay in their homes. Lack of mobility and difficulty accessing stairs are among the main reasons why the elderly and those with mobility challenged people prefer to stay at home. Commercial wheelchair lifts enhance the lifestyle of the mobility impaired by providing safe and easy access in public buildings.
With a commercial wheelchair lift installed, users can access the different floors of a building without having to leave their wheelchair. Ideal for use in commercial settings such as schools, churches, universities, auditoriums, office buildings, colleges and common areas, the device allows wheelchair users to access all parts of a buildings independently, safely, and conveniently. Leading dealers of accessibility equipment in Boston offer premium quality products integrated with advanced features.
Wheelchair lifts for Commercial Use — Top Models
Most wheelchair lifts for commercial use comes with safety features such as bottom platform safety panel, emergency stop switch, audio/visual alarm, flush mount doors with interlock, keyed constant pressure controls on platforms and more. Here are some of the top models available in Boston –
· Unenclosed Commercial VPL — Designed for use in schools, churches, offices and other commercial buildings, this unenclosed vertical platform lift comes with weather-protected controls for outdoor applications. It comes with a maximum load capacity of 750 lbs and provides access up to 60 inches. The ADA-compliant space saving model can accommodate several platform sizes and configurations. Other advanced features of the device include — ACME screw-driven DC motor (with continuous charge battery operation), emergency stop and audio/visual alarm and keyed and constant pressure platform controls.
· Bruno 3-Gate Commercial VPL — This 3-Gate wheelchair lift provides a full barrier at the lower landing with no access under the lift for maximum safety. The top landing gate includes — call/send controls with key and mechanical interlock or electrical strike interlock (ESI). The device comes with 750 lb (340 kg) lifting capacity and provides access up to 53 inches. A smooth, ACME screw-driven DC motor with continuous charge battery operation ensures performance even during a power outage.
· Bruno Enclosed Commercial VPL — With an attractive design, this lift can accommodate several platform sizes and configurations. It is self-contained, lightweight and easy to install as it does not require hoistway/shaftway. The device comes with a 750 lb (340 kg) lifting capacity and provides access up to 14 feet. Some of the other features include — bottom platform safety panel, top and bottom final limit safety switch, emergency stop switch, audio/visual alarm and flush mount doors with interlock facility.
Find a Reliable Dealer
Purchase from a reliable supplier of commercial wheelchair lifts in Boston would ensure the best products and efficient post-purchase support related to installation and maintenance.